
Counselling Psychologist

Sigi Graham has been practicing as a registered Counselling Psychologist for over 20 years. She has
gained extensive experience over the years in working with children and adolescents. Her constant
involvement with various schools nationally and the exposure from her practice, keeps her abreast
of current school and social trends, giving her the insight to better understand the pressures and
demands on children and parents alike.

Sigi is a mother of two, and has a practical approach to working with children of all ages along with
their families, conversing in English, Afrikaans or German. Her approach within her Practice focuses
on the family as a whole.

“An individual’s behaviour cannot be understood in isolation but as a part of the family as a whole.
I believe that a family is a system, connected by interdependent individuals. I assist families in
establishing and maintaining healthy relationships, by bringing about a change in an individual’s
functioning which will impact the functioning of others”.

Both face-to-face and online counselling services are offered to cater to different individual
preferences and circumstances. Each type of counselling has its own unique benefits and

Please see the Help For ParentsHelp For Kids & Online Option tabs to further explore each

Sigi has been asked to contribute to numerous articles pertaining to parenting and child behaviour
for various popular magazines as well as radio station programmes. As well as conducting workshops
at many schools across the country.

The initial consultation is always with the parent, where a thorough background will be explored
and a way forward can be agreed upon. It is preferable that the child is not present during this
consultation, to allow for an open and honest discussion.

Rates & Fees
Medical Aid Clients: Fees are charged according to medical aid rates and claimed directly from your
medical aid.

Private Clients: A discount is offered for Cash Clients, payment is made up front and secures the

Therapeutic Hour – consultations are 50 minutes long allowing 10 minutes to complete
administrative matters related to the appointment.

At bed time, my kids turn into dehydrated philosophers who need one more hug. [ The Typical Mom ]